Psychological hacks you can use to propel your marketing campaigns

Humans are complex creatures. We like to think we’re in control of our decisions, preferences and actions, but in reality, we are constantly influenced and manipulated by things out of our control.

Take marketing for example, many brands that are privy to psychological influences that can sway consumers towards their preferred responses and emotions through their marketing. But it’s not as nefarious as it sounds. Simple hacks like colour, language and the placement of your designs can be the difference between a conversion and a lost contact. So stay with us while we run through some of the most common psychological hacks used in marketing

The psychology of language

Language is used to guide and shape our perception of the world. It’s how we process the situations taking place around us, and articulate our own feelings and emotions. It’s how we connect, communicate and build relationships. And it’s a powerful tool for persuasion and influence. So it’s only right that marketers should pay close attention to linguistic factors that can influence our relationship with a brand. 

Your language and voice are huge players in your brand positioning and brand persona. A brand that doesn’t speak your language can instantly put you off. Can you imagine a fast food brand talking in Apple’s tone of voice? Or Disney talking in the voice of Rolls Royce? Of course not, because those brand’s designed their language nuances around their targeted audiences. Ultimately, people connect with brands that speak their language.

Successful brands pay attention to how their target audiences and demographics speak, but also, which communications they engage with. Are your audiences more active on social media platforms, or do they engage more with your longer-form content? Do they indulge in colloquialisms, or do they prefer to remain professional and corporate when researching your product or brand? There’s a lot to break down when considering the psychology of language, and it’s also important to consider the tone of your language. Positive language evokes excitement and inspiration, while the active tense evokes action.

And how about putting the reader at the centre of your copy? Look at the difference here:

If getting more customers is a goal for 2023, install the ‘insert product’ to increase conversions. Find out more here.


If your goal for 2023 is to get more customers, you should install the ‘insert product’ to increase your conversions. Find out more here.

The second version instantly connects with the reader as it’s telling a story that puts them at the centre, using the words ‘you’ and ‘your’. Storytelling is a great device for connecting with readers since stories are more memorable and more emotive!

The psychology of colour

When buying a product, 93% of customers say they focus on the visual appearance. Packaging, PoS advertising and marketing campaigns must all take note of the influence colour can have on a buyer’s decision.

Colour therapy has been used by businesses for years. We know from observation that colours such as red and orange can evoke a sense of vibrancy and warmth, whereas blues and greens are often associated with calmness and nature. 

Each colour carries with it its own connotations. Orange promotes enthusiasm and is often used to entice impulsive shoppers, whereas purple is associated with wisdom, and is frequently used for anti-aging and beauty products. There are biological markers too, red for example, is known to physically stimulate the human body, increasing blood pressure and heart rate. It’s often associated with passion and excitement, as well as creating a sense of urgency.

But it’s also important to know the impact colour can have on accessibility and readability. A lack of contrast between fonts and backgrounds can strain users’ eyes and make it harder for those with visual impairments to focus on your content. Consider how your users will react to the colour choices of your branding and marketing material, and resist choosing colours you think ‘look nice’.

The psychology of placement

Headline, graphic, subheading, call to action. There is an interesting pathway our brains take when digesting marketing content. And graphic designers are all trained on those psychological influences. Design plays a crucial role in guiding readers and users throughout a campaign or advert, ensuring the message is delivered in the right sequence. 

Just take a look at the example on the right

Need we say anymore? Make sure graphic designers consider the placement of copy and images and always test your campaigns on focus groups or peers to ensure the messaging is digested correctly. Often, we can become blind to our own creativity!

The psychology of call to actions

Email subject lines and call to actions (CTAs) are excellent places to start experimenting with psychology in marketing. Studies have shown that changing just one word or even a word tense can have a huge impact on conversions. Why? Because of the role of language in influencing our brains. 

Certain words such as ‘scheduled’ or ‘call’ can cascade a range of unwanted emotions including anxiety or urgency. To make your CTAs and email subject lines irresistible to clickers, consider the feelings they evoke. Opt for action verbs, personalisation, and keep them short and snappy.

Content Verve writes how tweaking just one word can instantly double your conversion rates. They found that by replacing the word ‘schedule’ with ‘watch’, their conversion rates soared. They concluded that the word ‘schedule’ prompted a negative thought process involving too much effort; having to consult their calendar, and find a time to schedule. Whereas the word ‘watch’ was more active, to the point, and required little effort. Remove any potential pain or negativity from your language and see how it impacts your conversions and click rates! 

Our brains really are so complex and it’s only right we consult psychology when building a marketing campaign or developing a brand. Market research and data-driven decisions will of course play a huge part in helping you define what works and what doesn’t, but by staying aware of the psychological factors that influence our decision-making and relationships with brands, we can propel our marketing strategies and connect with customers on new levels.

If you’d like to learn more about working with a strategic creative agency, look no further than Stratos. Find out more or contact a member of our team.

Why we can no longer ignore the rise of video content

For many of us traditionalists, video marketing can feel like one big learning curve we’d rather avoid.

Is it really worth it? Or can we afford to just stick with what we know?

We get it. Getting in front of a camera can feel scary. But there is way more to video content marketing than ‘talking head’ videos. So rest assured, there are some more dynamic ways to introduce video content into your marketing strategy.

Thanks to the proliferation of streaming platforms, consumers have a newfound appetite for video content. Mobile friendly, easy-to-consume on the go, and shareable and engaging, there are many benefits to the viewer. But for marketers, there’s untapped potential in a video marketing strategy. Video marketing is incredibly effective at helping businesses generate leads, increase conversions, build brand awareness, and educate prospects about their products and services.

And as we move further into this digital decade, it’s going to be harder and harder to ignore the rise of video in 2022.

Video growth in 2022

It’s estimated that currently, 82% of global traffic comes from either video streaming or video downloads. Plus, the global average for video consumption is currently at 84 minutes per day. And as we might’ve suspected, the pandemic played a huge part in this shift towards media consumption, boosting online consumption by 215%.

For B2B companies, product videos are becoming an increasingly popular vehicle for content marketing, with 47% of global B2B companies in 2020 creating training videos. And according to Hubspot 79% of marketers plan to start using a video strategy in 2022.

83% of video marketers said it helped them generate leads, heightening brand awareness, through explainer videos, and product-related content.

With innovative smartphone technology, the rise of Gen Z online, and streaming platforms such as Youtube and Tiktok, video is becoming more accessible and dynamic. Users have the ability to edit and add product links, descriptions and captions, so it’s no surprise more and more marketers are leveraging video as a lucrative source of revenue and brand awareness.

Videos are also great SEO boosters, known to drive conversions. Businesses that have added a video have seen an SEO improvement because it increases page quality as well as the time spent on a page.

Video Giants

TikTok was the most downloaded app of 2021, and currently has over one billion monthly active users. If you’re an Instagram user, you’ll notice that the app has been scrambling lately to keep up with big players such as TikTok and Youtube. Algorithms have shifted in favour of ‘reel-style’ content, and creators are given the opportunity to create a separate page filled with video content on their profile. Rumour has it, this was a reaction to the popularity of TikTok, and an attempt to stay relevant and in touch with Gen Z and younger millennials.

The shareability aspect of these platforms makes them a popular choice for businesses who want to attempt virality and reach wider audiences.

Youtube and TikTok are now considered search engines in their own right, with users asking questions and searching for answers via their search bars. If your content, product or service can solve a query, it makes perfect business sense to capture that traffic through optimised video content.

This is undoubtedly the new era for marketing and advertising. Giving businesses more control over their content: the unpolished, unfiltered behind-the-scenes, how-to videos, tutorials and explainers, products in action, or ‘meet the CEO’, the versatility afforded by a video marketing strategy is incomparable. Youtube even enables you to create your own channel and series, categorise your videos and monetise your content, and with 59% of executives preferring to watch videos than reading text, it could be a sensible option.

Popular social media platforms all seem to favour video and visual content, so it’s no surprise more and more businesses are shifting their attention toward the rolling camera. Video content appeals to mobile users and with the proliferation of VR technology and the metaverse, it’s likely that video content will continue to grow.

Predictions for the future

The value of video marketing is undeniable, with LinkedIn introducing LinkedIn video, Instagram introducing reels (and backing creators who share ‘TikTok’ style videos), and the explosion of TikTok and Youtube into the marketing sector. Twitter is also seeing a shift, with Tweets using video said to garner 10x more engagement.

What we must also be aware of is the demographic data. 25% of TikTok users are aged 10-19 which is the largest demographic split. This tells us that as younger generations come into the workforce, the rise in video content is likely to continue.

What does this mean for written and audio content? Don’t worry, they’ll still have their place. It’s always important to use data-led decisions before making any firm changes to your strategy, so think about who your audiences are and where they are viewing your content.

Boosting SEO, building relationships and trust with users, and accessing new demographic pools, video content should be an enhancement of your existing strategy, not a replacement.  We could expect to see video content become more interactive and dynamic, maybe even immersive and 3D.

If video content marketing is something you’re considering, we’d be happy to help you explore this route and whether this strategy is a viable option for your business. Talk to us today, or learn more about Stratos and our services here.

Using data-led decisions to build a standout online presence

Marketing online has become tougher than ever. Did you know that 175 websites are published every minute? The internet has become quite literally infinite.

It would be easy to say there is no point in trying to keep up. But there’s one thing that can help us continue to make an impact above all that noise, and that’s data.

The thing is, only a tiny percentage of online content is actually valuable and does its job of attracting traffic and engagement.

Choosing data-led marketing and making data-led decisions gives you the power to create valuable content. Content that truly resonates with your readers and users, encourages shares and engagement, and helps to nurture them through the buyer’s journeyBy uncovering key insights about user behaviour and interactions, you can stay ahead of shifts in the market and pinpoint trends.

Building an online standout presence has become tougher than ever, but it’s certainly not impossible.

We’ve discussed research-based marketing before, and how companies like Little Moon harnessed key research insights for the good of their marketing direction. So, let’s talk a bit more about data-led marketing, helping you understand the bigger picture, create a compelling strategy, and make informed decisions.

Behavioural data

Gathering data on the past behaviour of your users is the best way to understand what type of online content resonates the most.

Blogs, videos, newsletters? Which are your audiences interacting with most? And how do they react? Do they bounce after a few seconds? Do they share videos with their networks more than blogs? Do they click through on shorter CTAs or are they more likely to click on an offer CTA?

Where do people go? How do they prefer to consume data? Which devices do they use?

This type of data is essential to informing the journey your customers make online when interacting with your business. It enables you to place nurturing tactics in the right place at the right time, and take advantage of their existing interactions with your brand. With this data, you can help guide the user toward becoming a lead much more naturally. Interactions feel less intrusive because messaging is data-led, rather than placed aggressively where the user doesn’t expect or want to see it.

A/B testing

A/B testing is a hugely prolific measuring tool for success in content marketing because it gives companies insight into which language, titles, images or CTAs generate the most clicks or interactions.

Usually used in emails and social media, click rates and opens tell you quite accurately which topics, types and times of day are the most successful for your online marketing strategy.

With an A/B testing strategy, you can test two types of content against each other. You may wish to randomly segment your audiences, or try different demographics. But the premise is that you choose two routes and test them to see which generates the most success. This could be an email subject line, a blog opening paragraph or title, or even a CTA. By dissenting this data at length you are empowered to uncover more insight such as which times, devices or platforms are generally the most valuable to your brand.

Don’t build your strategy based on assumptions. Learn about your audiences in thorough depth through data collection and analysis. Make data-led, informed decisions, but be wary of leaning too solely on data. We have our own practical experience and knowledge to lean on too, so take into account the data as one tool in your arsenal that you can load up when you’re struggling to make a decision or things are stagnating.

Stratos teams up with Milton Keynes Hospital Charity

Since settling into our new studio in Milton Keynes, we’ve grown extremely fond of our new location and its people. Nestled right in the heart of Milton Keynes recently acquired ‘City’ status, we believe this is representative of the progression, growth and economic expansion of this opportunistic location. As an agency and team, we are committed to the local community, and look to involve ourselves in initiatives that enhance community value, support local organisations, and charitable purposes.

Since Martin Carmody joined as Managing Director, he’s emphasised our commitment to the community: “We make it our business to ensure our own ethos, as a team and agency, is reflected within the way we operate whilst embracing our community.” As a part of this wider initiative, we are excited to announce our blossoming relationship with Milton Keynes Hospital Charity. This partnership stems from an admiration for the work the charity does, supporting the hospital by funding special activities and projects that go above and beyond the NHS standard. And while the NHS experiences growing pressure and limited resources, this is an area we are particularly passionate about supporting. Everything Milton Keynes Hospital Charity provides and supports is over and above the NHS standard – enhancing the experience and wellbeing of patients, their families and the staff who care for them. The charity actively fundraises for projects and special appeals and in our work with the charity, we’re encouraging them to take full advantage of the Stratos team whether through creative or digital assets, branding, event promotion, or campaigns.

How will Stratos be involved?

With Stratos’ research-driven approach and consumer-focused strategies, there is scope for a successful partnership as we support the charity with more activities. Martin Carmody: “We’re entrenched in a variety of projects and initiatives, and it’s refreshing to work with Vanessa and such a progressive, forward-thinking team.” Stratos plans to help with a number of fundraising events, brand awareness and marketing activities, having been involved most recently in the ‘Gala Ball’ event in June which was hugely successful. They are also already planning a team event and half marathon fun run later this year to raise awareness and they are encouraging their clients, team and peers to join them.

Vanessa Holmes, Associate Director at Milton Keynes Hospital Charity said:

“With so much pressure on the NHS right now, it’s great to announce this charity partnership with Stratos. I know they will be supporting the charity long-term through their creative and digital teams. From our events to our website, they will be enhancing our marketing and fundraising objectives, through their advice, fundraising and sponsorship. Thank you Stratos for supporting your local hospital charity.” If you’d like to learn more about Milton Keynes Hospital Charity, visit:

Professional copywriting and why it’s important

Copy is everywhere your customers look. Your website, your adverts, your emails, your slogan, and even your internal comms.

You often hear of business owners trying to save on professional copywriting by taking on the load themselves. But they could be setting themselves up for failure. Not because they’re bad writers, but because there’s way more to copy than simply writing it. Let me explain.

You may be a perfectly capable writer, but do you have the time and focus to build a truly compelling copy that connects and builds relationships with target audiences?

Professional copywriting is the art of persuading, encouraging and ultimately marketing your product/service through the written word.

There’s a lot more to professional copywriting than good grammar and vocabulary. A good copywriter will have the skills to hone your company’s tone of voice, brand values and personality to connect with the right audience. They’ll be able to sell your product or service without actually selling. They’ll tell the right people what they need to know in as few words as possible.

In this post, we’ll lay out some of the main benefits of investing in a professional copywriter. 

They can focus solely on copywriting

Like we said, you may choose to write copy yourself, or offload it to another team member – perhaps an account manager or managing partner. But do they have the focus and calendar flexibility to block out dedicated time? 

Without focus and time, effective copywriting becomes impossible. Writing when distracted is never a good idea. Plus, with multiple other tasks to tend to, it gets easy to leave your writing and come back to it another time only to have lost your rhythm and flow. Copywriting demands closed pockets of focused work. A professional will be solely focused on research, writing and editing, ensuring you receive high-quality, compelling and consistent content every time.

They’re ruthless editors

One of the major components of a copywriting job is editing, and great copywriters have learnt to be ruthless editors. There is so much noise out there already. Audiences are busy, and online readers in particular want their information delivered as concisely and succinctly as possible.

It’s easy to become attached to jargon and unnecessary turns of phrases that bloat prose and compromise cadence and voice. A copywriter will be a master at cutting, polishing and honing their work. 

They can bring a fresh perspective 

When you’re leading and running a business, you are, quite rightly, budding with enthusiasm and energy.

All of the amazing features, add-ons, benefits etc. You want to talk about them all! 

But this can cause you to lose sight of the main objective.

A professional copywriter will bring an external perspective, and their experience will help them determine what works and what doesn’t. Great copy focuses on benefits rather than features. It focuses on building relationships and connecting, rather than selling. Just look at this landing page from Basecamp entitled “How it works”. Basecamp can perform hundreds of functions, but this page delivers only the information that’s needed. 

Now, imagine you asked the person who developed the tool – how does it work…? That’s going to be an entirely different conversation.

They will maintain tone and voice

Tone of voice is a huge determiner of how you connect with your audience through copy. 

If a target audience can connect and relate with the tone and language used in your copy, they’re more likely to be impacted by it. 

A professional copywriter will most likely request a copy of your brand guidelines, and they’ll probe you for as much information as possible about your target audiences. This helps them to establish a tone and voice that will truly connect. This is a key element of compelling copy because just like your logo, you want your audiences to be able to recognise you. A great copywriter will craft a voice that is consistent and recognisable. 

They will contribute to the user experience

A talented copywriter will be able to work with other promotional devices such as your website UX, video content or graphic design and build an experience for the reader. Copywriters aren’t self-indulgent. They know they’re not hired to show off their writing skills, but to engage and persuade your readers by providing a compelling experience. 

Copywriters know how to work with other team members and design elements to give the best user experience, whether that’s online or offline.

They know their platform

Well-trained copywriters will understand the nuances of various platforms. Cadence, language and voice will all need to be adapted depending on whether you’re writing an online product page, a blog or a screen advert. 

In addition, most professional copywriters today are aware of SEO best practices and will write strategically online to boost search engine rankings and speak to algorithms.

There are many other hacks copywriters will be privy to that can really make your copy shine and perform at its best. Active voice, metaphors, research interviews, benefits over features – these are just some of the best-known hacks to enrich your copy. 

Copy is a huge part of the selling process, don’t be tempted to scrimp on it.

Martin Carmody joins Stratos as Managing Director

Stratos, a creative and digital agency, appoints Martin Carmody to the new role of Managing Director.

Martin, who joins in June, will oversee agency operations, client service and business growth. Responsible for the strategic direction of the team and agency, Martins’ strength in building strong relationships with clients and a community will support a longer-term objective to reinforce and develop the agency’s offering beyond its current core disciplines of brand, creative and digital communications and strategy.

Martin commented:

I always take a ‘people first’ approach and I have recently been fortunate to work with a variety of talented people and brands. My latest consultative venture encouraged me to experience other brands, cultures and businesses and this time gave me the vigour to reset and seek what’s next.

Working alongside like-minded people is important to me, and that’s why I’m delighted to be back leading a well-respected team and agency. As a team, we’ll constantly strive to develop our people and improve our skillset, disciplines and service.

Enthused by new opportunities, we already have a list of credible clients and we’re looking ahead to continue growing our value and our partnership with them. I’m looking forward to us taking the agency to the next level and I’m excited about what we can achieve together in 2022 and beyond.

Commenting on Martin’s appointment, Marc Smiddy, Creative Director, said

It’s no secret we have been rebuilding Stratos to match our vision of bringing together talent, creativity, digital, and strategy. This means working together as a team to create the next generation of agency. In acquiring the great talents that make up the team and our proposition, we see the opportunity to accelerate our ambition. Martin is a piece of the jigsaw we’ve been seeking, and we are looking forward to his leadership and direction in taking the agency to the next level.

Darren Bond, Digital Director added:

We are committed to being the number one place for talent in the brand experience industry, and Martin’s appointment is representative of this. With in-depth expertise and a track record of success in our sector, he will add immense value to our business.

Martin finally added:

I am incredibly excited to be joining Stratos at such a transformational time for the agency, as it embarks on its aspiration to define and lead on brand experiences, with a strong client-first focus and excellence in strategic, brand, digital and creative thinking. I can’t wait to get started!

7 ways to use social proof in digital marketing

If others are doing it, it must be ok.

Social proof refers to the psychological phenomenon that humans will adapt their behaviour based on the actions of others in a given situation, usually to conform.

Do you remember the Titanic scene where a young, lower-class Jack is invited to dine with the elite guests? Stumbling into a crowd of aristocrats and businessmen, Jack is at a loss for how to conduct himself. So, he takes cues from those around him. This is social proof in its simplest form.

Conformity has always carried considerable weight in how humans conduct themselves, so it’s only natural that notion would extend to digital purchasing behaviour and decision-making.

Social proof, when it comes to marketing, relies heavily on influence and persuasion. It provides us with the reassurance that if a product or service is providing value to others, it’s more likely to do so for us.

We’ve likely all been subject to social proof in marketing at some point. Have you ever followed through with a recommendation from a friend or family member? Ever purchased a product that was endorsed by an expert? Or choose a product or holiday based on the reviews?

Robert Caldini, in his book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, writes

“We view a behaviour as more correct in any given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.”

“As a rule, we will make fewer mistakes by acting in accord with social evidence than contrary to it”.

So, as psychology would have it, we’re less likely to make a purchasing mistake or bad decision online if we act in accordance with social evidence.

In the age of the influencer, we’ve seen first-hand the staggering impact social proof can have on the exposure and uptake of a brand. As the digital marketing world continues to flux, with interactions changing with the generations[1] , there are a variety of techniques you can experiment with to leverage social proof. Let’s delve into those a little bit more.

Here are 7 examples of how to use social proof in digital marketing strategy:

1. Reviews and testimonials

When we see a brand bringing value to others, it enhances trust and influence. 91% of shoppers read online reviews before making a purchase. Case studies, testimonials and reviews are all vehicles for delivering real-life stories about how you have brought value to existing customers. These are especially effective in SaaS, where purchases usually involve a sizable investment and long-term commitment to the service, so consider making these a firm part of your strategy.

2. Endorsements

If an expert or renowned professional in a field recommended a product, it’s more likely you would opt for that product or service over competitors. Simply having influence from someone with more knowledge or expertise in their specialism is enough to encourage others to follow suit.

3. Backlinks to your website

Actions often speak louder than words. If your content is organically acquiring backlinks from other reputable sites, and as a result, moving up SERPs, your authority is improved along with trust from prospects. As they see others using your content to bolster their own, you become the ‘expert’ in their eyes, and trust is a significant factor in purchasing behaviour.

4. FOMO or loss aversion

You might’ve seen this when a product is accompanied by a banner proclaiming ‘Only 2 left in stock’, or ‘Trending now!’

This promotes a sense of urgency to purchase, but also, the feeling that if this product is in demand, it must be worth the money and investment.

5. Encouraging word of mouth

Word of mouth is and always has been one of the most meaningful and impactful forms of advertising. According to the Word of Mouth Report by Chatter Matters: 83% of consumers say these recommendations make them more likely to purchase a product or service.

“Invite a friend and you’ll both  receive 10% off your subscription.”

“Add three users to receive your first month for free.”

In addition, 40% of consumers find new brands to follow online based on recommendations from friends and family. Get people talking about your brand by sharing the experiences and value received by existing customers, and incentivising them to do the same.

6. Call to actions

There is no reason you can’t harness social proof in your call to action and conversion copy. The call to action button is the place in the buyer’s journey where they need to make a commitment or a decision – usually to sign up, purchase or subscribe. Hundreds of businesses use psychological language techniques to make that commitment easier, including social proof. Examples might include:

Join 120,000 other businesses benefitting from XXXXXX.

Click here to become a part of the growing XXXXX community.

7. Social media shares

If you keep seeing the same company pop up in your newsfeed via shares and likes from your peers, it’s likely they trust and connect with their content. And it’s therefore likely they trust and connect with that brand too. This is similar to the word of mouth strategy but via digital channels. It’s your peers’ way of saying ‘I like this brand, I use this brand, and connect with this brand.’

Never lose sight of how you are engaging with already engaged users. Nurturing them into advocates could bring big returns in the digital space.

It doesn’t matter what community you are marketing to, or what industry your product or service falls into. There are many avenues for exploring social proof and practising it within your digital strategy. As with most things in marketing, you can never become complacent. Ensure you are testing, analysing and comparing techniques to ensure you elicit the best results from your efforts.

If you’d like to discuss your digital strategy in more detail, get in touch with a member of the Stratos team today.

Invest in research to boost your brand

Imagine your product becomes the subject of a viral TikTok trend. Suddenly, sales are sky-rocketing as thousands of new advocates post, review, and create content around your brand.

That’s exactly what happened to Japanese ice cream brand Little Moons.

If you’re not an avid TikTok scroller. Let us explain.

Back in the summer of 2021, Little Moons were dominating the TikTok ‘For You Page’ (FYP). These tasty little ice cream balls were sold out in all major supermarkets, as TikTok users posted videos around their ventures to go and find the coveted sweet treat. The hashtag #LittleMoons was a surefire way to get you on the ‘FYP.’ As a result, sales increased by 700%.

PR and Marketing could’ve put their feet up: “Sweet! They’re doing the work for us. We can sit back and chill.”

But, social media trends are short-lived, and Little moons wanted to know how it could sustain that growth.

Market research – specifically, customer profiling – revealed that new customers from TikTok weren’t going to be the source of any long-term growth. This exercise further revealed that in fact, the consumer driving the most volume in premium ice cream sales were affluent 30+ year olds. Without that information, Little Moons could’ve remained focused on an audience who wasn’t actually contributing to significant long term sales.

Instead of becoming distracted by the virality of this new trend, Little Moons used the peak in brand awareness to refocus its strategy. By using storytelling to make the ‘TikTok story’ a part of their wider marketing, Little Moons were featured in several publications that were actually read by their long-term customer.

Types of market research

Market research isn’t always driven by a fortuitous viral trend. Research is an integral component of a sustainable and meaningful marketing strategy. Lego, Starbucks and McDonald’s all regularly conduct and consult market research to inform how they communicate with their audiences, reinvent campaigns and innovate products, with great success.

Market research can exist in many formats, including:

  • Customer surveys
  • Product sampling and testing
  • Social media analytics
  • Interviews and focus groups
  • Customer profiling
  • Website and App analytics
  • Pricing research
  • Marketing segmentation
  • A/B testing

Those formats allow you to gather a range of qualitative and quantitative research. While quantitative feedback is great for measuring tangible peaks and troughs, qualitative feedback may help you build a picture of why that, and as with Little Moons, if those peaks are at all sustainable.

A different kind of customer

Today’s consumer has more power than ever before. They’re flooded with choice, tailored advertising, and a range of platforms to help them decide before they buy. Becoming a part of a community, building relationships with brands, and feeling as though a product was ‘made for them’ are all deciding factors in where their loyalty lies.

Customers and prospects expect a brand to know who they are talking to, and without establishing that relationship, communications can feel intrusive and outdated.

Research, such as customer profiling, can help you decipher the backgrounds, needs, challenges and obstacles of a particular marketing segment. As we’ve established before, the same strategy may not be effective for every segment of your audience – even down to details such as language choice. By gaining insight into the values and future purchasing behaviour of each segment, you can be confident your messaging and branding are aligned with their particular needs, further building trust and loyalty.

A changing landscape

To add to that, the pace of modern life is fast. With a landscape that is constantly changing, and competitors cropping up left, right and centre, knowing what your customers are thinking can be the key to staying in demand, and at the forefront of your market. By conducting regular research, the power is back in your hands. Brands can’t afford a ‘but this is how we’ve always done it’ attitude, or they risk getting left behind.

By regularly consulting up-to-date research, your team will be able to:

  • Keep your messaging aligned and sensitive to the climate
  • Segment audiences and release their individual value and challenges
  • Use the correct language
  • Update your product offering
  • Pricing expectations
  • Uncover weaknesses in your strategy
  • Identify opportunities

Conducting research won’t reveal the deepest, inner thoughts of your customers, so don’t fall into the trap of relying on it too much. Research will help you to build a picture, but how you interpret that should be aligned with your brand identity. Veering too much off course can risk inconsistencies that actually compromise customer loyalty.

With ongoing research exercises, you’re armed with actionable data as to how you can realign your strategy, or innovate your product to suit the demands of today’s market.

Want to make research a part of your brand strategy? Let us help you identify the best course of action for your brand. Speak to a member of the team today.